Transfer Error
Hi everyone,
I have a project with many many MVP-8400 panels and NI controllers. I can download TP4 files to many of these with no problem except for one panel. I get the message "Error creating temporary files for transfer". Any ideas for this? Do you think that this problem may be caused by WEP protection?
I have a project with many many MVP-8400 panels and NI controllers. I can download TP4 files to many of these with no problem except for one panel. I get the message "Error creating temporary files for transfer". Any ideas for this? Do you think that this problem may be caused by WEP protection?
I have seen this error message you listed when the Manifest file from the panel is not received properly by the file loader.
I suspect the specific touch panel is not communicating with the Master in a reliable way due to its distance from the WAP or some other wireless interference.
Have you ever been able to load this panel?
I have also seen where getting a successful download via a USB connection clears up future Etherenet connections.
Good luck and don't hesitate to call AMX tech support for more solutions.
I had the same exact problem with one particular TP file. I got the same message you did when trying to transfer the file via TPDesign4 and I got a similar message when I tried to launch Panel Preview (?Error creating temporary files for Panel Preview?) within TPDesign4. In my particular case the error had nothing to do with any network settings or connections because the process never made it far enough. The file transferred fine if I used Netlinx Studio and the file opened fine in Panel Preview.
My problem was due to a button on one of the pages that had a reference to an image that was missing in the Resource Manager. When I opened up the Resource Manager the name for the image in question was listed, however, the image itself wasn?t there and instead just said ?loading.? As soon as I imported the MIA image the panel file was happy and transferred fine.
I have no idea how the panel file got to that state and I don?t know if this is the same problem you are having but it might be worth a shot to open your Resource Manager and see if any of your images are still ?loading.?
i had the same problem/solution that you have descriped (several times...). I don't know the exactly reason, but i know that this bug ONLY appears, when you have deleted one or more graphics in the resource manager before. So it seems be a kind of "internal error" in the TP4-Filestructure.
Maybe this bug is already fixed (the last time when i got this error is 6 month ago) with the actual TPDesign4?
Is this the same file being loaded in many panels? If so, a corrupted file is not the problem.
Now if the files are different... hmmm
I wonder if he got his problem fixed.
And yes Joe, I love to pick on you. You are such an easy target.
I will keep you informed,
Thanks a lot...
Hi everyone,
everything that Joe wrote happened to me too. My panel file can only be transfered via Netlinx Studio. Also, in the Resource Manager there is a "loading" icon. And the panel preview only works when the file is opened directly to the Panel Preview.
This now seems to happen to all my tp4 files in my current project. Why, I don't know. Everything was OK in the yesterday morning when I loaded the files first time.
Something new to this thread: this cannot be a WEP related problem, since this also happens to my NXT-1200V panel which isn't wireless.
any news about this problems?
i have the same problems with 3 projects!
I just can't wait for a new TPD4 to come out, which I would suspect to be very soon considering the release of two new touch panel types (5" & the 10"). Hopefully it'll solve some of these bugs and add some more functionality to the program. Right now whenever I use TPD4, I feel like I'm using a Mac: wrestling and fighting with it to trick it into doing something I want it to do.
how did you succeed to replace the missing image file? In my panel files it is impossible to import same image file again to replace the faulty one. When I tried that the TPD just gave me an error message like this: "Failed to locate target file on a replace action"
See above quote.
Okay, I can't remember exactly what I did, but it was a combination of trying to delete the missing one, then importing it again (getting an error I think.) Then close resource manager, there should be two now. Try to delete both, should get an error then close out resource manager, and once again . . . open it back up. They should both be gone and you should be able to import it fine.
I was so flustered and doing it so quickly that I can' remember exactly how I did it, but it was something along those lines.
I tried your method but it didn't work for me. Maybe it depends on the tp4 file that is used.
Anyway, I used a "trial and error" method (with several TPDesign crashes) and I finally found another way to correct the problem. Copy the image file that is missing to same folder where the panel file is. Go to resource manager, delete the missing image file; an error message shows up. Now click undo and the image file is back there!
The image file has to be in same folder with the tp4 file, otherwise this doesn't work. Another very strange thing is that the image file disappears from the folder where it was...
I'm not sure if this works for all tp4 files but it did work at least for two of my files.
all i did was add four new buttons, pasted from another file. no images are on the new buttons, they were just text and colour (with transparency).
now i go into resource manager and two bitmaps that were previously fine have the message 'loading...' instead of a thumbnail. also, no size or dimensions can be seen.
the two bitmaps are unrelated to the four buttons i just pasted in. (no name or page useage was the same).
now, i cant even delete or rename the original images.
now i am stuck with a file i've spent days and days on, and it may have just become useless.
out of desperation i'll try the tips suggested. damn, i hope i can get this file back, that's a lotta work to lose thanks to corruption.
UPDATE: following the procedure mentioned above has fixed the problem. for now.
resource manager -> import image (uncheck option: override resources with duplicate names!) -> select an image with the same name as that one where the "loading..." message is shown (every image is ok).
After that, you can delete the image.
Yeah, this seems to be the easiest way. But the override option has to be UNCHECKED. It is probably checked by default, that is why everyone was getting an error message when retrying to import the image file.
I have corrected my previous post.