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NX-3200 and IR Problem...

Hey gang. Anyone have this problem yet? Everything works fine for about a week or so. After that period of time, everything still works except the IR gets weird. By weird I mean; say I press cursor down in the guide, it will jump down 2 or 3 times. It's like one press is multiple presses. It happens on all the IR outputs of the NX. After a reboot it works fine again until a week or so goes by.
I want to say it started after I put in a timeline but I'm not certain. Commented out the timeline code to see if that solves the problem.
Any thoughts???


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Put in a telnet message upon each IR command... so you know if your code is issuing the repeats, or if they occur on their own with a single normal command.
  • ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    NX boxes have IR issues...you may check with AMX for a hotfix, I heard one is available.
  • itismyworlditismyworld Posts: 68
    Thanks guys, will check it out!
  • OK, so still have the same problem. I loaded the hot fix...no go. I put a telnet command in and it's getting one push, but spitting out the command multiple times.
    Also noticed that everything else gets a little sluggish. Bargraphs are a little slow, page flips are a little slow, and even relay switching slows down.
    Reboot the processor and everything comes back just fine, which lasts for about 24 hours and the problem comes back.
    Tech support told me to log debug messages in putty, it is below. Almost seems like it happens when the master updates the system time.

    ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all.

    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2015.06.19 11:59:19 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

    Welcome to NetLinx v1.3.65 , AMX LLC
    >msg on debug
    Extended diagnostic information messages turned on.
    >(0075675661) ClockMgr: Setting system time to - Fri Jun 19 12:57:42 2015

    (0079278711) ClockMgr: Setting system time to - Fri Jun 19 13:57:45 2015

    (0080310826) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:10:1
    (0080311072) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:10:1
    (0080311097) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:10:1
    (0080311370) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:10:1

    >(0082881761) ClockMgr: Setting system time to - Fri Jun 19 14:57:48 2015

    (0085285151) Accepted connection:socket=83 addr=::ffff: port=46553
    (0085285390) RequestDynamicAddress_DM..sending message to assign new device number 32001 (TCP Socket=83 IP=::ffff: Index=4).
    (0085285392) Memory Available = 460247040 <12288>
    (0085285396) CIpEvent::OnLine 32001:1:1
    (0085285734) CICSPTCP Rx connection to ::ffff: has been closed locally or by peer
    (0085285734) CICSPTCP:Run() 4 exiting, m_bExitRun=2!
    (0085285735) CICSPTCP::ShutdownICSPTCPTasks(),bExitRun=2, iSocket=83, shutdownCnt=1
    (0085285736) Closed Socket Connection socket=83 addr=::ffff: index=4
    (0085285740) CIPConnectionManager::ProcessICSPPacket msg destined for outside but no socket exists iIndex=4 wCommand=$FF00 wCommand+2=$0900
    (0085285741) CIpEvent::OffLine 32001:1:1
    (0085285765) Accepted connection:socket=83 addr=::ffff: port=46809
    (0085286193) CIpEvent::OnLine 10008:1:1
    (0085286198) CIpEvent::OnLine 10008:2:1
    (0085857479) CICSPTCP Rx connection to ::ffff: has been closed locally or by peer
    (0085857480) CICSPTCP:Run() 4 exiting, m_bExitRun=2!
    (0085857481) CICSPTCP::ShutdownICSPTCPTasks(),bExitRun=2, iSocket=83, shutdownCnt=1
    (0085857481) Closed Socket Connection socket=83 addr=::ffff: index=4
    (0085857484) CIPConnectionManager::ProcessICSPPacket msg destined for outside but no socket exists iIndex=4 wCommand=$FF00 wCommand+2=$0900
    (0085857485) CIpEvent::OffLine 10008:1:1
    (0085857485) CIpEvent::OffLine 10008:2:1
    (0086484812) ClockMgr: Setting system time to - Fri Jun 19 15:57:51 2015

    (0089209103) Accepted connection:socket=83 addr=::ffff: port=52441
    (0089209107) RequestDynamicAddress_DM..sending message to assign new device number 32001 (TCP Socket=83 IP=::ffff: Index=4).
    (0089209118) CIpEvent::OnLine 32001:1:1
    (0089209141) CICSPTCP Rx connection to ::ffff: has been closed locally or by peer
    (0089209141) CICSPTCP:Run() 4 exiting, m_bExitRun=2!
    (0089209142) CICSPTCP::ShutdownICSPTCPTasks(),bExitRun=2, iSocket=83, shutdownCnt=1
    (0089209142) Closed Socket Connection socket=83 addr=::ffff: index=4
    (0089209146) CIPConnectionManager::ProcessICSPPacket msg destined for outside but no socket exists iIndex=4 wCommand=$FF00 wCommand+2=$0900
    (0089209147) CIpEvent::OffLine 32001:1:1
    (0089209207) Accepted connection:socket=83 addr=::ffff: port=52697
    (0089209643) CIpEvent::OnLine 10008:1:1
    (0089209648) CIpEvent::OnLine 10008:2:1
    (0089705527) CICSPTCP Rx connection to ::ffff: has been closed locally or by peer
    (0089705528) CICSPTCP:Run() 4 exiting, m_bExitRun=2!
    (0089705529) CICSPTCP::ShutdownICSPTCPTasks(),bExitRun=2, iSocket=83, shutdownCnt=1
    (0089705529) Closed Socket Connection socket=83 addr=::ffff: index=4
    (0089705532) CIPConnectionManager::ProcessICSPPacket msg destined for outside but no socket exists iIndex=4 wCommand=$FF00 wCommand+2=$0900
    (0089705533) CIpEvent::OffLine 10008:1:1
    (0089705533) CIpEvent::OffLine 10008:2:1
    (0090087861) ClockMgr: Setting system time to - Fri Jun 19 16:57:55 2015
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I'll admit I suffer from "Too Much White Noise" syndrome and can barely stand to read anything longer than 2 paragraphs, but I didn't see the telnet message you refer to in your post. Can you post your code so we can have a look at it. Perhaps its something there.
  • Yeah, I had telnet running before I put the command in for the button press. However, the command only show's that the button is being pressed once. Interesting enough, if I look at the output bar in the notifications section, it shows that the button IS being triggered more than once from a single push. This is the single push info...
    (136 is the physical panel (old AXT-CV10), 33005 is the virtual panel (AXT-CV10), and 39 is the IR card (old cardcage).

    Line 1 (08:29:24):: Input Status:Pushed [136:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 2 (08:29:24):: Input Status:Pushed [33005:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 3 (08:29:24):: Feedback:On [33005:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 4 (08:29:24):: Feedback:On [136:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 5 (08:29:24):: Output Channel:On - From [33005:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 6 (08:29:24):: Output Channel:On - From [136:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 7 (08:29:24):: Feedback:On [39:1:1] - Channel 15
    Line 8 (08:29:24):: Output Channel:On - From [39:1:1] - Channel 15
    Line 9 (08:29:24):: Input Status:Released [136:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 10 (08:29:24):: Input Status:Released [33005:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 11 (08:29:24):: Feedback:Off [33005:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 12 (08:29:24):: Feedback:Off [136:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 13 (08:29:24):: Output Channel:Off - From [33005:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 14 (08:29:24):: Output Channel:Off - From [136:1:1] - Channel 158
    Line 15 (08:29:24):: Feedback:Off [39:1:1] - Channel 15
    Line 16 (08:29:24):: Output Channel:Off - From [39:1:1] - Channel 15

    Couple of thoughts...
    - Problem happens almost every 24 hours on the dot.
    - I still have not yet moved my fb from define_program. (I know, I know...)
    - I have some stuff in Define_Start. (again..I know I know...)
    - Although the above is now considered bad practice and just wrong, the program runs perfect for that 24 hour period and CPU usage is less than 2%.
    - maybe this is a sign to get rid of all the old panels....or get rid of the new processor???

    I will post my code a little later...

  • Well, It looks like it is being pushed more than once. I just rebooted the processor and checked the button press again in notifications (with things working correctly) and I get the exact same info. 16 lines all exactly the same.
  • bwestlakebwestlake Posts: 82
    I have had IR problems will all of the NX controllers. They don't seem to like "TO" or "PULSE" so I started using the "SP" send_command.

    SEND_COMMAND dvIR1,"'SP',(F11)"

    This seems to work fine
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    On hold/repeat IR commands I also like to use the 'CP' command in the release:
          STACK_VAR INTEGER nBtn ;
          nBtn = BUTTON.INPUT.CHANNEL ; //(nBtnArry) ;//
          //fnDeBug_CATVs("'DPS-',fnDEV_TO_STRING(vTPcom),' Hold channel ',itoa(nBtn),' :DEBUG <',ITOA(__LINE__),'>'") ;
               CASE 22:
               CASE 23:
               CASE 24:
               CASE 25:
                SEND_COMMAND dvCATV,"'SP',nBtn" ;
          STACK_VAR INTEGER nBtn ;
          nBtn = BUTTON.INPUT.CHANNEL ; 
          //fnDeBug_CATVs("'DPS-',fnDEV_TO_STRING(vTPcom),' Released channel ',itoa(nBtn),' :DEBUG <',ITOA(__LINE__),'>'") ;
               CASE 22:
               CASE 23:
               CASE 24:
               CASE 25:
                SEND_COMMAND dvCATV,"'CP',nBtn";
    There's nothing worse then releasing a button and watching the channels continue to change or the volume to continue ramp as the backed up buffered commands continue to be processed.
  • Good thoughts, thanks for your input, always much appreciated. I have discovered something new...

    Turns out, when this problem starts to happen, one of the axlink leds on the back of the NX starts to flash very weirdly. It will flash once, then stay on for 2 seconds, then flash once again, then miss a flash. I have an old panel connected to the top axlink connector and it flashes as it should (once per second). The bottom connector however, goes to an old axcess cage which has another older panel connected to it and 4 vol boxes. I do have an external power supply and checked out the power calculator...all good there. I'm guessing one of these devices is bad or is not fully compatible with the new controller. Now I just have to figure out which it is...
    ...anyone have any good troubleshooting techniques for this? Besides pull a device and wait?
  • SOLVED! Bad serial device messing everything up. All programming is fine. Thanks All!
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