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quick flashing link/act LED

I don't do this often enough so small glitches will throw me - a junior programmer.

We have a client (out of town) with an NI3100. They got hit by a major storm and have lost control of their sound throughout the facility.

We used to have remote access to the master but have lost it (clue # 1)
Client sent a photo of the TP (NXT 1200V) and connection status is showing 'Attempting via Ethernet" with RED LED, Clue # 2,
Keypads all have text displayed so the have power (POE) Clue # 3.
Status light is blinking normal slow rate. Clue # 4
LInk/Act led is flashing rapidly with no one pushing any buttons on KP or TP. Clue # 5

My hunch is lost IP (which explains no remote access and KPs not responding). Anything else?

Before I make the 2 hour drive to do an investigative visit, does anyone have any suggestions? As I said, until this happened, I could connect with Netlinx Studio to get more info, now I have lost it.



  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Did you used to VPN into the LAN or did you just port forward to the master? Is the client having other network issues. Do you have remote power management. If not has the client rebooted all the network gear and AMX gear.
  • PyroGuyPyroGuy Posts: 121
    We are just port forwarded into the master. The client is not having other network issues. I had them check their POS units and they are all fine. They are running off the same POE switch. I figured that wasn't the problem when the KPs indicated that they were powered up. Client has rebooted the AMX gear. I don't know how far back he went with rebooting. I'll have them try rebooting the switch. Thanks for the tips.
  • pdabrowskipdabrowski Posts: 184
    The NI network interfaces are a little tempremental when it comes to quick power cycle incidents. They will bring up layer 1 (physical), but won't do anything else.. shutting and unshutting the network interface on the switch won't help.

    The NI otherwise works fine (runs the program) but without any TCP/IP traffic it just sits there waiting for the incoming button press from a touchpanel which will never reach it.

    I have seen this too many times myself so a controlled reboot is usually the first step before doing anything else.
  • PyroGuyPyroGuy Posts: 121
    What is your process for a "controlled reboot" other than a power cycle or rebooting from Netlinx Studio? It looks like I am going to have to do the 2 hour drive to the site and hopefully I can get in via serial or a direct network connection from my pc.,
  • pdabrowskipdabrowski Posts: 184
    Yep, the controlled reboot is as you describe.

    I've had many times asking a tech over the phone to reboot a piece of gear and finding they either do it very quickly (often simulating a brownout) or don't realise that something with 2 power supplies (DGX) needs both to be unplugged for the reboot to take place, so unfortunately you may need to do the drive.
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