USB / Serial Port Sniffer recommendations

Any recommendations for Win 7 compatible USB Port / Serial Port sniffer software? I have a new IR Learner (USB-UIRT) and would like to toy around with a quick app to just do captures of IR rather than use the software package (Girder 6.0) that adds an additional $90 to the pricetag.
Well, these free programs are not so much. Try it It is free and the functionality is suitable for your request. For monitoring is enough.
I do not know if they are still in business but I had a similar app that used the USB-UIRT manufactured by a company called ENGO. it appears there software is available for download..
Look again, your link page says the software is gone. The DOWNLOAD link there is in an ad, which is what the site seems mostly about. And note that Eric's request for ideas was 4 years ago.
usb-irt has its own free software. I use it, or am I missing something?