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Type of Master firmware loaded

I wonder if there is any negative point on using the Duet Master firmware instead of the regular Netlinx Master firmware to run non Duet projects. I know there is a trade off on memory since the Duet firmware takes more space. However, I want to keep my new jobs running the latest firmware so I can load Duet modules as they start to show up. Any problems with IR "SP" commands or other communications issues with the Duet firmware? Any input will be very appreciated.


Ricardo Wallace Siqueira
Advanced Anomaly


  • The 'SP' command is a device command, so the version of Master firmware does not affect the operation of 'SP', 'CP', 'CH' etc. commands.
  • cwpartridge,

    Please see the Forum post link below and let me know your toughts. That's why I inquired about the "SP" command in the Duet firmware. I use the "SP" command for all my IR devices.



    Ricardo Wallace Siqueira
    Adavnced Anomaly
  • cwpartridge,

    Please see the Forum post link below and let me know your toughts. That's why I inquired about the "SP" command in the Duet firmware. I use the "SP" command for all my IR devices.



    Ricardo Wallace Siqueira
    Adavnced Anomaly

    That thread is referring to a NI "device" problem. Every Integrated Master has two separate firmware kit files that must be loaded. There is a Master firmware (Duet or Non-Duet) which is loaded to address 0:1:0. There is also a device firmware (IR, RS232/422/485, Relay, IO, etc.) which is loaded to the device, typically address 5001:1:0.
  • maxifoxmaxifox Posts: 209
    Some code might be affected. At least Autopatch Module had negative value conversion problem with signed values for the GAINREL (fix available at version beta 1.1).

    The new firmware (3.x) is also more sensitive to module declaration order (depemening on the module declararaion order BUTTON_EVENTS either work or do not inside the module).
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