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MIO R4 USB connection

So im new to the R4 remotes so please be gentle.

Im trying to send a tp file to the remote but it fails every time.

i cant seem to change from mesh mode to usb mode. When i press to change it the word mesh moves to the left then back to center when i take my finger off.

can anyone talk me through how to send a file



  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Unless you have ancient firmware, there is no USB mode you need to select. You also MUST have the unit docked. Review the firmware notes for the last few firmwares for the R4 and gateway, they tell you a lot about what to expect. If you don't have v3.x firmware, you need to get there before you go on...
  • Cool the remote is on v3.1.20 and the zigbee gateway is on v3.1.13 i have tryed both using usb and tp on the network usb sill wont change on the unit.

    When sent from TPDesign it sees the unit and the trys to send then i get an error

    any idears

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Remove the existing project in the R4 before transfer of a new one. I've seen it timeout trying to work around what's in memory.
    But remember you need to have it charging in the dock when you communicate with it.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    What John said + make sure your firewall is turned off.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    Oh and try with Studio if Design is not cooperating. The timeouts seem a bit different, and results vary.
  • Cool thanks guys will give it a try.
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