Arcam AVR-350 Serial Protocol
Super green AMX programmer here.
I'm trying to get two way communication going with an ARCAM AVR-350 and am a bit stumped by the responses I'm getting from the receiver. I've confirmed comm settings are correct, and I'm successfully able to send it commands, however the response seems truncated or..... are getting converted somehow?
According to the manual (, to decrease volume by 1dB in zone two this happens-
Command: 0x50 0x43 0x5f 0x2f 0x32 0x30 0x0d
Response: 0x41 0x56 0x5f 0x2f 0x50 0x32 0x68 0x0d
When I do that, I get the following-
Line 2 (07:39:37):: String To [5001:1:1]-[$50$43$5F$2F$32$30$0D]
Line 3 (07:39:37):: String From [5001:1:1]-[$5F$2A$50$68$65$E6$49$1E]
The protocol doc says that responses are-
Each response by the AVR350 is eight bytes long with the following format: <STR> <RC> <AC> <P1> <P2> <ETR>
So, it seems like I'm getting the last character of the STR and then.... $2A? which it says is the reply code for power status ($2F is reply code for volume). $50 is the answer code for command ok... and then $68$65$E6$49$1E which doesn't make much sense....
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm trying to get two way communication going with an ARCAM AVR-350 and am a bit stumped by the responses I'm getting from the receiver. I've confirmed comm settings are correct, and I'm successfully able to send it commands, however the response seems truncated or..... are getting converted somehow?
According to the manual (, to decrease volume by 1dB in zone two this happens-
Command: 0x50 0x43 0x5f 0x2f 0x32 0x30 0x0d
Response: 0x41 0x56 0x5f 0x2f 0x50 0x32 0x68 0x0d
When I do that, I get the following-
Line 2 (07:39:37):: String To [5001:1:1]-[$50$43$5F$2F$32$30$0D]
Line 3 (07:39:37):: String From [5001:1:1]-[$5F$2A$50$68$65$E6$49$1E]
The protocol doc says that responses are-
Each response by the AVR350 is eight bytes long with the following format: <STR> <RC> <AC> <P1> <P2> <ETR>
So, it seems like I'm getting the last character of the STR and then.... $2A? which it says is the reply code for power status ($2F is reply code for volume). $50 is the answer code for command ok... and then $68$65$E6$49$1E which doesn't make much sense....
Any help would be greatly appreciated!