Can I use the "SW" ports on an SDX 510/514 to read contact closure?
in AMX Hardware
After perusing the documentation, it says those button inputs can trigger a connected master's data event, so it looks like the answer is Yes. Does anyone out there have one working like this?
Once the switch is in MANUAL mode and CYCLE mode, switch contact inputs 3 and 5 show up as Button Event Pushes and Releases (not channel events) without provoking any other switching action in the controller.
The other hard part was getting polarity matched with the *other* device (the lighting controllers themselves) that are already reading contact closure from the occ sensor.
End result is I'm using a bunch of SDX-510-DM units, one per room, connected to a master NX-3200, and I've got occupancy sensor being read in each room from contact read channel 5 in the SDX being passed to the master controller, which auto powers down devices in each room a short time after occupancy sensing drops. Gonna save a lamp hour or two with this.