Android WiFi management
I have dozens of rooted Android tablets deployed (rooted so I can VNC into them) but occassionally the WiFi will "lock up" and go into an unconnected mode (the Android WiFi icon shows with an exclamation point). Would it be possible to have TPC check for this state, and toggle the Android's system WiFi off and back on again? I can do this manually to restore the connection almost every time. I realize this may not work with a non-rooted tablet, but would love to have this option for my particular case.
Sorry, but this is not a feature we would entertain automating due to the potential risk/impact of turning off/on in a not so suitable manner - we leave WiFi management down to manual/device operation.
You can use AMX address/channel codes applied to buttons to implement this type of affect. The built-in TPControl "Not Connected" warning will still appear, but you can build into your UI area that is not masked by that, an appropriate message. An example file that demonstrates the address/channel port usage is available from our Downloads page; Offline dialog-Profile example.TP4