AMX Intercom using 8400I Panels
I have 2 8400i panels, and want them to be able communicate with one another via the intercom functionality. So panel 1 will ping panel 2 to start communication - so here is the code:
DTP_PANEL1 = 10001:1:1
DTP_PANEL2 = 10002:1:1
Panel 1 setup
send_command dTP_MAIN1, "'^ICE'";
send_command dTP_MAIN1, "'^ICS-,3006,3004,2'";
send_command dTP_MAIN1, "'^ICM-TALK'";
Panel 2 setup
send_command dTP_MAIN2, "'^ICE'";
send_command dTP_MAIN2, "'^ICS-,3004,3006,2'";
send_command dTP_MAIN2, "'^ICM-TALK'";
Now goal is to get these two panels to communicate with each other. These are the basic commands to do so, so it should work but it doesn't. The thing I am unclear on are the ports - 3004 and 3006.
Does there need to a special setup for these ports?
DTP_PANEL1 = 10001:1:1
DTP_PANEL2 = 10002:1:1
Panel 1 setup
send_command dTP_MAIN1, "'^ICE'";
send_command dTP_MAIN1, "'^ICS-,3006,3004,2'";
send_command dTP_MAIN1, "'^ICM-TALK'";
Panel 2 setup
send_command dTP_MAIN2, "'^ICE'";
send_command dTP_MAIN2, "'^ICS-,3004,3006,2'";
send_command dTP_MAIN2, "'^ICM-TALK'";
Now goal is to get these two panels to communicate with each other. These are the basic commands to do so, so it should work but it doesn't. The thing I am unclear on are the ports - 3004 and 3006.
Does there need to a special setup for these ports?
panel 1 - IP
panel 2 - IP
Panel 1 calls panel 2:
send_command dTP_MAIN[2],"'WAKE'";
Panel 2 answers call from panel 1
send_command dTP_MAIN[1], "'^ICE'";
send_command dTP_MAIN[1], "'^ICS-,9002,9000,2'";
send_command dTP_MAIN[1], "'^ICM-TALK'";
send_command dTP_MAIN[2], "'^ICE'";
send_command dTP_MAIN[2], "'^ICS-,9000,9002,2'";
send_command dTP_MAIN[2], "'^ICM-TALK'";
that's it. The very basics, to get two 8400i panels to communicate via intercom functionality provided by the 8400i panel