timeline id duplicate in a module
I have defined a timeline id in the main program, and then use a module which also defined with the same timeline id. It seems work without any problem. But I am wondering how the compiler do with such a case? Any idea?
So, since the TIMELINE_EVENT is indeed an event, one could easily assume the same behavior would apply. However, this is not the case. TIMELINE_EVENTs are indeed isolated within the module(s) and do not traverse to the rest of the program.
This is just one of those cases where Netlinx kinda breaks its own logic flow. There are other cases as well.
I've been doing this for years with NI and NX series masters and have had no problems. I actually have an include file that's like 12 lines long that defines the timeline id and interval, starts the timeline in define_start, and calls tp_fb(). Then in my module I just declare a function tp_fb() and it handles feedback. One less thing to manually input into every module, one less thing to clutter up the module with when I'm troubleshooting. Works perfectly, and they obviously all have the same ID because they're reading the same file.