String cat bug? What?s magical about $63F - $640?

Can someone please confirm this for me? Compile the following program as Netlinx:
(** start of program *)
CHAR myarray[17000]
FOR (x=1; x<=17000; x++) { myarray= "myarray,'a'" }
x = LENGTH_ARRAY(myarray)
(*** end of program ***)
After the program is loaded and running, start debug and watch the variables myarray and x. You will see that the current length of myarray is 15999 and not the expected 17000. This is confirmed by the value of variable x. If you inspect myarray[17000] you will see that ?a? is indeed there but for some reason the length fails to report correctly after string concatenation of more than 15999 bytes ($63F) ** Edit - After further review I realize that the previous sentence is not true. The data did not get set after 15999 bytes. **
What?s even wilder is if you replace the line:
FOR (x=1; x<=17000; x++) { myarray= "myarray,'a'" }
with this (which should perform exactly the same way):
FOR (x=1; x<=17000; x++) { myarray= "myarray,$61" }
You will see after you recompile and run that the length grows by one to 16000 ($640)
I ran across this problem while writing a program that grabs a web page and saves it to disc. As the web page arrives in chunks I concatenate the data and when the transfer is complete I save as a file. However, the file was always truncated in the same spot ? 15999 bytes.
NetLinx Studio V2.2 Build
NetLinx Compiler Build
Can anyone explain this? I searched Tech Notes but didn?t find anything.
** EDIT **
(** start of program *)
CHAR myarray[17000]
FOR (x=1; x<=17000; x++) { myarray= "myarray,'a'" }
x = LENGTH_ARRAY(myarray)
(*** end of program ***)
After the program is loaded and running, start debug and watch the variables myarray and x. You will see that the current length of myarray is 15999 and not the expected 17000. This is confirmed by the value of variable x. If you inspect myarray[17000] you will see that ?a? is indeed there but for some reason the length fails to report correctly after string concatenation of more than 15999 bytes ($63F) ** Edit - After further review I realize that the previous sentence is not true. The data did not get set after 15999 bytes. **
What?s even wilder is if you replace the line:
FOR (x=1; x<=17000; x++) { myarray= "myarray,'a'" }
with this (which should perform exactly the same way):
FOR (x=1; x<=17000; x++) { myarray= "myarray,$61" }
You will see after you recompile and run that the length grows by one to 16000 ($640)
I ran across this problem while writing a program that grabs a web page and saves it to disc. As the web page arrives in chunks I concatenate the data and when the transfer is complete I save as a file. However, the file was always truncated in the same spot ? 15999 bytes.
NetLinx Studio V2.2 Build
NetLinx Compiler Build
Can anyone explain this? I searched Tech Notes but didn?t find anything.
** EDIT **
FOR (x=1; x<=17000; x++)
This seems to work and it seemed to work a LOT quicker. It should be rather easy to write a chunk of code to insert the text at the end of the array and adjust the size of the array. I'll try to give an example, but you will probably have to adjust it to fit your implementation:
dvDATA = 33001:1:0
send_command dvDATA,"' < ',ITOA(LENGTH_ARRAY(sMYARRAY)),' - ',RIGHT_STRING(sMYARRAY,5),' > '"
That should let you add everything you need to the array, then after you write your file, just set the array length to 0.
Hope this helps you get around the problem.
Even if you declare the variable as VOLATILE, that limit is still imposed.
When we've got megabytes of volatile memory available, it's a shame that we can't create a memory structure that large.
- Chip
I don't think there is that limit to the array, just to the ability to deal with that much data all at once. I was able to get the array to fill up to 17000 with the above code. I am just guessing that there is either a hardware or performance issue behind the anomoly. Another thing I thought of is maybe the limit is due to some sort of processor cache size.... don't a lot of processors have something right around 16k of internal cache?
Ok, I'll stop speculating now and wait for an engineer or AMX employee to post the real reason.
I don?t think it?s a memory limitation nor the ability to deal with that much data at once since the data in the code I posted does get concatenated in the array properly. It?s just the length that doesn?t get set correctly. ** Edit - I was in error. The concatenation does not work. ** According to documentation we should be able to play around in 64K arrays.
I can write a work around for this but I?m hoping this gets fixed (if it?s indeed broken) so I don?t have to. It kind of defeats the whole purpose of LENGTH_ARRAY. If this is a bug it may be the result of another problem or may be causing another problem somewhere down the line that needs to be looked at.
What I?m intrigued by is if you use $61 instead of ?a? you can squeeze one more bite in. I wonder if that?s any type of clue.
Sleepless in Saint Charles?.
** EDIT **
I found this out the hard way by trying to concatinate data from a website by using the string handler in my IP device's DATA_EVENT. (cBuffer="cBuffer,DATA.TEXT"). I had to change my code to utilize the old-school "create_buffer" keyword, since it enables concatination of incoming string up to 64K bytes (and is much faster since it does not have to do it's work through interpreted code).
So, one possible work-around is to use a virtual device in conjunction with a buffer/variable assigned to that virtual device with the "create_buffer" keyword. Send any character or strings that you need concatinated TO the virtual device. Then, the varible (buffer) that you assign to that virtual device will get that data appended to it. Yea, this might be slower, and your Output and Input lights may flash like crazy, but it should serve the purpose. An extra bonus is that you will have an event triggered any time more information is added to the variable.
Let me know if you need some sample code.
In the day of Axcent, there were time out in while loop(while, medium while, long while) in order to prevent endless loop.
I am not sure if it happen the same in for loop. Just a while guess!
NOTE: I need to back pedal a bit. I mentioned twice earlier that it was just the length of the array that was reporting in error after 15999 bytes and that the actual concatenation worked in the sample code I originally posted. I was wrong. Either my eyes or the debugger are playing tricks on me but when I checked this again I can see that the data did NOT get appended. My bad.
Still Sleepless in Saint Charles?
The virtual device example that I gave you would be handy if you were having to assemple data from within your program (since you were doing exactly that in your FOR Loop example). Another good example might be building a large HTML file with a massive tables and tags that needs to be writen to the DOC.
Thanks again, Kyle. I think this one has been put to bed.