DynDns Update module?
Posts: 4,368
Does anyone have this working still? I haven't used this in a long time since the routers I supply usually handles this but now on one job the owner changed my router to one that doesn't provide the dyndns update so now I putting the module in but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm not getting anything back but it does trigger the string event handler. I tried switching from port 80 to 8245 the secondary port for the HTTP socket that dyndns uses but the exact same thing. I connect, send my get header but nothing is returned or shows in my buffer but the string event triggers.
It could be I'm blocked now since I did read that frequent requests will result in blockage since they don't want see frequent updates where the IP is the same. I would hope if the blocked the client IP they would respond with a blocked notice.
Vining; another thing you might want to check is your HTML header information. I don't know if you're like me - but I don't update that hardly at all. but, I've had to do so in recent projects where RSS feeds end up blocking chatty things with seeming older browser identifications. When I updated the GET message to something I just scraped off my current IE or Chrome browser all seems well again. Just a thought you might look at.
Oh! Imagine that! The API doesn't match reality. It'll never happen.
First they sent me this URL command method which is different form their online URL method. Not what I wanted but it gave me something to work with and eventually used this to modify the RAW command format. A bit of a pain since sometimes servers are blocking and sometimes they're not and if you send them garbage a couple of times they'll block you and you have no way of knowing that's the problem and not you code syntax. So using wireshark I was able to use the GET format for the above URL command that send user:pass in the URL to the RAW format that uses the basic encrypted base 64 in the header and eventually it works.
I really didn't need to bother with this but I haven't played with code in a while and it is a tease that junkies find irresistible.
This is what I sent to DYN and hopefully they'll update their web page, yeah right, but the last version in the quote section below seems to work properly at present.