R4 firmware issue
R4 issue - I was in middle of doing a R4 firmware update 1 of 3 parts, when it got to part 2 the AMX USB connection cut off and it was stuck. So I tried to unplug the usb connection but to no avail. Is there a way to wake up the R4, cuz right now it is a blank screen as if it is dead
For future reference, always delete the project before updating firmware on these, as I have seen similar fails that seem less frequent with memory freed up. Usually the fail comes early, and doesn't kill it... but does not hint that it is a memory issue. But I've found that cleaning memory usually allows a full transfer.
Same goes for uploading a new project to an R4. You will frequently see timeouts waiting to start... unless memory is clear first.
Yeah, I have far more experience with the R4's than I wish.
Now I have a R4 that is useless which was solid. I wonder what AMX would charge to bring life back to my R4 - anyone know?