BSS control

Hey guys,
I am currently working on a project where I will need to control several BSS DSP's. Currently the system is using a Netlinx module written by BSS dated 2008. I downloaded the Duet Module supplied by AMX but have been skeptical to implement it because I have had mixed results with Duet Modules. I know there are some modules on here for BSS control but I was wondering if anyone has had experience working with BSS equipment with the different modules and could give me their two cents on how they like them.
I am currently working on a project where I will need to control several BSS DSP's. Currently the system is using a Netlinx module written by BSS dated 2008. I downloaded the Duet Module supplied by AMX but have been skeptical to implement it because I have had mixed results with Duet Modules. I know there are some modules on here for BSS control but I was wondering if anyone has had experience working with BSS equipment with the different modules and could give me their two cents on how they like them.
I would call it 'similar' in concept with SNAPI with one exception.
In the AMX SNAPI/DUET version you choose the various things you wish to control on the BSS (Volumes,Mutes,Routers,Mixers,etc...) and assign them to the various ports of the virtual device. Then the SNaPI channels all work to raise lover volume, mute toggle, send switches, etc...
I was running into some systems where I needed to control more than the limit of how many ports I could assign on a given virtual device. I had one where I needed well over 300 different controls.
So, I wrote mine with the idea that the ports on the virtual device are zoned by function rather than single processing object parameters.
So, vdvDSP:01:0 is all volume ramp up
vdvDSP:02:0 is all vol ram down
vdvDSP:03:0 is all volume feedback
vdvDSP:04:0 is mute toggles.
Then you on and off Channels to indicate with processing object you're controlling. So all Channel 1s refer to the first PO (perhaps a volume fader.
port 9 (i think( is the VoIP card
since there are way more channels available than ports the system can scale up pretty painlessly.
Also, it's a Netlinx module. So no messy issues with DUET.
As with all my publically provided modules, it costs nothing and is worth every penny.
I'm using the module on several systems without any problems right now.
LMAO i love that line.
Eric, I downloaded your module and will be checking it out today.
You really need to come to the Cafe Duet class ... Think there still may be space in the June class, but they have been going near full the last few years.
I have tried several times. But, it was never available. I've long wanted to do DUET modules. I still have a seat of Cafe Duet on my laptop. Oddly enough - it's listed as Discontinued on the trade stie.
Scheduled sessions June 18 - 20 and December 10 - 12 this year.
And this is one of the many classes offered out of the Richardson distance learning enabled classroom you can join remotely.