LG Display/TV Wake On LAN

Does anyone have a working module that deals with the Wake On LAN power on thing? I've tried every WOL trick I know and the dumb thing won't wake up. AND, of course, it's at a remote site where I can't touch the thing to be there to suss it out.
I had to do this a year or so ago. However, i was able to turn all the power saving crap off, so my current module that has been working since doesn't need to use the WOL anymore.
I pulled this from my module, you need to enable WOL on the Display. If you can get someone to turn the TV on, connect and then send the "'fw 1 01',$0D" command it might start working.
wait 150
fnSendString("'xb 1 70',$0D")//set sto dvi
fnSendString("'kc 1',$0D")//Aspect ratio 16:9
fnSendString("'jq 1 00',$0D")//energy saving off
fnSendString("'dx 1 01',$0D")//picture mode standard
fnSendString("'kf 1 00',$0D")//volume=0
fnSendString("'ke 1 01',$0D")//unmute
fnSendString("'fa 1 ',date_to_year(date),' ',date_to_month(date),' ',date_to_day(date),$0D")//time 1
fnSendString("'fx 1 ',time_to_hour(date),' ',time_to_minute(date),' ',time_to_second(date),$0D")//time 1
fnSendString("'fg 1 00',$0D")//No Signal Power Off - off
fnSendString("'mn 1 00',$0D")//auto power off - off
fnSendString("'fw 1 01',$0D")//WOL On
fnSendString("'sn 1 89 00',$0D")//scan ration - full
SEND_STRING dvDevice,"$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF, cMacAddress,cMacAddress,cMacAddress,cMacAddress,
Thank you kind sir!