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Languages... which do you speak?

I was thinking about this as I was writing the post about 5000 members. Given that AMX is a global company, there has to be some percentage of the 5000 members who do not speak/write english as their first language. I would also (even tho it goes against American superiority complex to think this) think that there are some members that don't even speak/write english! (Gasp!... as if all Americans can actually speak/write proper english). I understand that there are translation programs out there that can help bridge the gap, but it got me to wondering how truly global this forum is. So, I am creating a little poll to appease my curiosity :)


I almost chose french, since I had 2 years of it in high school, but I am far from fluent enough to talk about anything more that a pencil, my name or how I am feeling :) I also left off languages in which I am only familiar with some curse words, or how to order a beer :)
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