upgrade OPS300 TO VSTAT
in AMX Hardware
We recently upgraded OPS300 thermostat to V-Stat thermostat with lot of difficulty. One of the major problems that we face is that as soon as we add 2 or more V-stat on the same bus we loose communication and the port shuts down. The only way to get the port up is by resetting power on the accent3 pro. Here is a brief description of the system:
Accent 3 pro
6 V-stat thermostat connected on port 1 RS422
Addressed for the thermostats are 2, 3,4,5,6 and 8.
24 AC Volt power supply for all thermostat (looped).
3 VRG card to control voltage to VAV.
Axcessx program.
The same setup was used with OPS300 and all worked fine. The program and wiring was not changed when we replaced OPS300 with V-stat. We tried different solutions like diving the thermostats into 2 groups using 2 RS422 ports with no success. As far as I know OPS300 and V-stat use the same commands. Do we need to terminate which thermostat and how.
Any advice will be most welcomed.
Accent 3 pro
6 V-stat thermostat connected on port 1 RS422
Addressed for the thermostats are 2, 3,4,5,6 and 8.
24 AC Volt power supply for all thermostat (looped).
3 VRG card to control voltage to VAV.
Axcessx program.
The same setup was used with OPS300 and all worked fine. The program and wiring was not changed when we replaced OPS300 with V-stat. We tried different solutions like diving the thermostats into 2 groups using 2 RS422 ports with no success. As far as I know OPS300 and V-stat use the same commands. Do we need to terminate which thermostat and how.
Any advice will be most welcomed.
Using the April Aire distribution panel with that many thermostats makes the install a lot cleaner and allows for easier troubleshooting.
April Air also makes an isolation relay for the output of the stats, and I strongly recommend putting them on every job.
Dave, is there any place where I could find information about this isolation relay? I went to Aprilaire's web site and I couldn't find it. Also AMX doesn't offer this product.
It was years I last used one, and my boss told me the same thing when I tried to get another for a new customer; my guess is they don't make it anymore. Just toss any old 24VAC coil relay in there ...
We always provide our own 24 volt power supplies with an UPS backup and filter. the 24 volts coming of the HVAC system is notoriously awful.
I'm not talking about the supply voltage. I'm talking about isolating the relay outputs from the furnace, because the stats themselves share an internal common. Problems on the output can and will mess up comms on the stats.
That's interesting. I thought the relays were isolated... I'll have to check into that. Not so good if it's the case. Thanks!
I haven't dived into them yet, but judging from everything else they did I would imagine the V-stat's are not the core issue, but would like to protect them as much as possible.
Kevin D.
The 8024 Isolation relay pack is 3 relays on one board, so you'd need one 8024 per stat for a standard application, and maybe two if you're doing multiple stages of cooling AND heating that require actuating more than 3 devices.
Dave, your idea is interesting about the on-board relays sharing some sort of internal common. It seems almost counter intuitive since the purpose of the relay is to isolate the two circuits. There are other issues that can occur with relays like a huge voltage spike when the magnetic field collapses in the coil (e.g. when the relay is turned off). I wonder if that might possibly have been a cause, but that wouldn't explain why adding isolation relays fixed your issues.
Thanks for the part number, I just couldn't find it.
My reason for believing there is not proper isolation comes from a job where I actually watched the comms while the HVAC tech fired up a furnace. The stats went haywire as soon as he turned it on, and I had to reset them. They all had their own power via the Disty, and the only connection between the stats and the furnace was the output leads of the stats. I talked to an Aprilaire tech and browbeat a confession out of him that there is not full isolation between the comms signal ground and the output common. On that particular job, i did not need the isolation relay because it turned out the HVAC guy had hooked something up wrong; however, it still should not have backfed into the comms.
Nothing better than an old fashioned interrogation to get the answer