Pantastic look design for iPhone portrate

I'm looking for Pantastic look design for iPhone, portrait.
I have smart house project where we are using for control Pantastic design for iPad that is OK.
I need Pantastic look design also for iPhone on portrait. I can do it my self but to save time I-m ready to pay for it
if someone has made that for his project.
And want to sell it for a reasonable price.
Looking for offers until 7. January 2019
Waiting for preview pictures to
I've been planning a smart house project too and chose to work with Arduino. Is there a way to create a mixture of colors with Pantastic design? Can't find anything about the MXT-1900L-PAN-NC support.
That panel has been discontinued, but is still supported. There is a link on the product page to a current panel, MXT-2000XL-PAN-NC.
You might also want to check out the brand new MT-2002. More features for less money.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your reply. I think I'd rather go with MT-2002. It would be a perfect variant.
Thanks again,