How to set D:P:S for devices
How to set Device number for devices which not shown in netlinx online tree and Webconsole .
Please give any Suggestion .
How to set Device number for devices which not shown in netlinx online tree and Webconsole .
Please give any Suggestion .
I'm guessing the device you're trying to reach has network settings making it unreachable.
Check the device's install manual for defualt IP, DHCP/Static procedures, and put your machine on the applicable subnet.
I have set IP-address and subnet.Its pinging in Telnet using IP-Address .
I have connected the devices to network switch in 2nd port and i have set D:P:S as 0:4:1.
Its correct or any Other D:P:S will change.
It seems like you may need some broader assistance. I suggest contacting Harman Tech support to walk you through the basics or going through the College of AMX training track. Look at the Control System Commissioning Track.
@Karthik, this is one of those things that is more easily done and explained on the phone during a remote session.
Please give us a call at: +1-844-776-4899