TPDesign4 Panel Offline Page On How to Do, It is Possible

Hi, i want my panel display a specific page when it goes offline from the controller.
Is there a way of doing that, tracking something internally.
Thanks all for your comment and suggestion
Best Answers
[Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0
Yes, you can use the internal address 0:8 (Panel Setup:Connection Status). Your button should be of type multi-state bargraph, and mine has 9 states to match the options for that internal button.
States 1,8, and 9 should contain your PANEL IS NOT ONLINE message and color. All other states are transparent with no text in my implementation.
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[Deleted User] Harman Integrated Technologies Group (ITG) Posts: 0
There is no internal page for this, or a mechanism to trigger a flip on loss of connection. I typically put a full width button at the top or bottom of each page. In my case, I leave it transparent and passthru under normal conditions so as not to reduce real estate. There is nothing stopping you from making it full screen, but it may get in your way when making edits to the panel file. I think this achieves the same outcome asked by the OP, but just a work around to achieve the effect.
We've integrated a connection indicator by copying the GREEN DOT button from the setup pages into a smaller version on our ABOUT page in the panel. Also on our startup screen,,, so when the panel boots, its red, then turns green when connected, and flips to the actual user start page.
I think the OP was asking for a specific page flip when the panel loses connection with the controller, not a connection status button. What if the connection 'button' isn't visible on the page the user is looking at. I wouldn't like to have a connection status on every page.
Some other brands show a page when you aren't connected to a controller.
That trick has been lost in TP5 - no more access to the system pages :-(
Panel Setup:Connection Status on the setup port 0 is still valid as shown above.