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AMX Mail Client

I need to control amx through the mail, can anyone help me?
I need to send a mail from my laptop to AMX Ni 700 and based on what on the mail, it will control an output pin in Ni700.
Can anyone guide me through the steps to do this, I really will appreciate any help or any simple example.


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368

    So you want your master to retrieve emails, parse emails with a particular subject line and have the master do something based on what was contained in the email?

    What exactly are you trying to do? There might be better ways.

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    POP3 protocol is pretty easy. The 4.x master firmwares even support SSL and TLS so doing secured POP3 connections would be possible. You just need to make the connection to your POP3 server and log in, the server should tell you how many email messages you have, then you have to retrieve each message and search for the strings you want to base your control off of. Check out the POP protocol here:

    Note that you have to initiate the connection from your master periodically to check for email. Some POP3 servers want you to have a certain amount of time between connections to check for mail. So there may be quite a bit of delay between you sending the email and the processor actually retrieving it and acting upon it. I would suggest setting up a test POP3 server on a machine you own or something so you don't start hitting an ISP's server.

  • @vining, @sentry07
    I have a fire alarm panel which I want to send the alarms from it. Likely the panel has an ethernet port which it can send the alarm in a mail through this port. I want the AMX to receive this mail and act based on the mail.
    Have you done something like that before? or can you help me with that?

  • Sounds complicated...
    Most fire alarms have something like a contact output that closes (or opens) when the alarm goes off. If the AMX controller and the fire alarm are not physically close to each other, you could use something like an AMX EXB-IO8 to connect the contact to the controller.

  • the fire alarm panel which I have has an IP module which can send emails through the ethernet port. " I have already done with that". I just need the AMX side, I need someone to help me with programming my AMX. I have AMX Ni700. Can anyone help me with the code, I will be very grateful.

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    @HARMAN_icraigie is the i!-Email stuff still available? There's an email client in that module that would probably be of some use here.

  • @sentry07 said:
    @HARMAN_icraigie is the i!-Email stuff still available? There's an email client in that module that would probably be of some use here.


  • HARMAN_icraigieHARMAN_icraigie Posts: 660
    edited March 2019


    Not the Internet Inside module - just email in and out on an Ni using standard ip_client functions

  • Both i!EmailPlus and i!EquipmentMonitorIn Internet Inside packages have POP3 clients. Neither of these clients support SSL or TLS but if your POP3 server does not require a secure connection, then they might work. They are no longer available from InConcert as downloads. I still have the .exe setup files for both packages but of course no way to attach them to a post.

  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    edited March 2019

    @abdallahkassem said:
    @vining, @sentry07
    I have a fire alarm panel which I want to send the alarms from it. Likely the panel has an ethernet port which it can send the alarm in a mail through this port.

    Is that all it can do or can it also send to either a TCP or UPD server?

    The email thing would work and I used to display incoming emails on touch panels but that was long ago and as mentioned only worked for POP3.

    IMHO if you can’t establish normal 2-way comms with the alarm panel over IP then it would be easier to create a simple server on the AMX processor, on a port of your own choosing and have the alarm panel just send to this server on specific events. I’ve done similar with Axis cameras and it works great and very easy.

    FYI my old email testing files are now gone so I can’t share them.

  • viningvining Posts: 4,368

    If you’re using smokes that use reversing relays to trigger integrated sounders you could gerry rig that setup with another relay to act as an isolated contact to trigger amx as mention before. Even an ouput config for a bell output that triggers on fire would work. It’s a more solid means of contacting AMX then relying on an email provider and their inehrant delays or the wait time between your polling the email server with AMX.

  • @Reese Jacobs
    It would be very great if you could share them with me "abdallahkassem70@gmail.com"

  • Google rejected the files on your end -- guess it does not like .exe files in an email.

    host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com []
    SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
    552-5.7.0 This message was blocked because its content presents a potential
    552-5.7.0 security issue. Please visit
    552-5.7.0 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BlockedMessage to review our
    552 5.7.0 message content and attachment content guidelines. c35si718926edb.127 - gsmtp

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    @Reese Jacobs said:
    Google rejected the files on your end -- guess it does not like .exe files in an email.

    You can put in on DROPBOX and post a link.
    You can zip the EXE and try again.
    There are other options.

  • sentry07sentry07 Posts: 77

    I got the files and have posted them on dropbox:

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