Forum Search Broken?
I feel silly asking this... but am I searching wrong?
I cant get any search to return results in the top search bar
I feel silly asking this... but am I searching wrong?
I cant get any search to return results in the top search bar
Looks like you are correct. Odd. I am looking into it right now; stay tuned.
This is fixed! Thanks for catching it @zack.boyd
I think it's broken again ....
It is working for me. What's happening when you try to search?
Hmm - now it's working again. It just wasn't returning any results for any search. Oh well - it's good now! Thanks
At the time of sling100's first post I was having the same issue. When you search, zero results are returned but no error messages. Exact same behaviour as when zack.byod reported the original issue, which I also witnessed.
But it does look like the issue has fixed itself this time as search is back to normal for me also.
Looks like search is broken again.
Thanks everyone; looks broken to me right now too. I am on it. Thanks very much for letting me know!