Online/Offline event for MT-702 panels

I recently used a couple of MT-702 (G5) panels in projects. One thing I noticed is that when developing/testing/debugging, I often send an (graphics) update to the panel (and do nothing with the controller). For years I used a routine that's triggered from the ONLINE event for the panel to make sure that when it comes back online, it refreshes textboxes, goes to the right page etc. These new panels are much quicker and the OFFLINE/ONLINE event for the panel never seems to happen.
So after an update the panel is out of sync with the controller, not really sure how else to trigger this routine. The 'online tree' never changes, according to the system, the panel remains online.
At first I decided to ignore it, because during normal use it's not really an issue, but after doing touchpanel layout with a client yesterday, it quickly became really, really annoying.
So, anyone experienced this before? It looks to me that some firmware update is needed to resolve this, but maybe someone has another solution?
Have you tried the AWAKE data event handler or enabling the STARTUP string in the panel properties dialog?
No, didn't occur to me, until I read your post. The ONLINE event always worked fine, so no need to try anything else. Just did a very quick test on a G4 panel (MXT-700), don't have a G5 panel to test with. The AWAKE event handler doesn't fire when updating the panel (which seems logical; it wasn't in STANDBY before), but it does sent the 'Startup string', in this case about 1,5 seconds after the panel ran it's 'ONLINE' event handler. So, it looks like at that point it is ready to handle some commands.
Will have to test on a G5 panel when I get the opportunity, but looks promising. Thanks for the tip!
I've called AMX tech support about this problem as well, and they told me they are aware of the issue and working on a fix. The tech didn't mention anything about trying AWAKE or STARTUP to mimic the action of online events.
well, using the 'startup' string to work around the bug doesn't work on a MT-702 panel. The 'startup' string has exactly the same behaviour as the 'online/offline' event: they both work when powering up the panel but they fail both when doing a graphic update from TPDesign (rebooting the panel).
It does work on a MXT-1001 (G5) panel, but on that one the 'online/offline' event works fine also.
So, we will have to wait for a fix from AMX.
Bit of a cluge but curious if it works:
1. Create an empty page then set it as the Power Up page at the panel properties dialog.
2. At the new page Events Tab Show Page event:
In theory the Custom Event should be only seen when that otherwise hidden power up page is shown. Works as described on an MXT-701 - but then so does online and start up.
This seems to be specific to the MT series panels, I don't have any available. right now. To test he 'startup string' thingy, I used a panel that was already in use at a cliënt. They tend to get nervous about that...
so I'll have to see when I get the opportunity to test this.
Thanks for the suggestion, though.
PS: We can always hope that AMX fixes the problem soon, so no workaround is needed...
Having this issue still. Having to hard boot a MD-1002 every time I load the TP5 file. Any update on this?
So this does work on the new panels.
Always appreciate a trick that will work around a problem, and this IS a clever idea. But this will mean extra work applying it at the customers locations and reverting it back to normal operation (needed for support and having a 'standard' code base) once a real solution is available.
So while i DO appreciate trying to find a solution to a problem, it is still a 'cluge', so would also really like to know if there is an update or eta for a firmware fix?
Today I got a change to work on a new system that has a MT-702 panel. I tried the above 'trick' and like already confirmed by Ian, I can also confirm it works. Logically this only works when rebooting the PANEL, nothing happens if you reboot the controller, as it does with a working 'online' event for the panel. Of course, that can also be fixed quit easily, but it's getting a bit 'messy'.
So, like I already mentioned above, very much hoping for a timely fix from AMX.
NetLinx code looks something like this, there are a lot more "messy fixes" out there that still live out in the wild even after the underlying issue was fixed.
Hello, is there already a new firmware where this problem fixes?
Got the same problem in a project with 45 panels. I used the online event over years and everything worked fine. But now, with MD701 and MD 1001 we are in trouble. There is no online message after a GUI update. AMX should fix it in the panel firmware asap. Meanwhile I'm using a 30sec loop to uptate the panel states - not very smart, I know, but it works for now...
Agreed, this is getting weird. The problem has been reported at least 5 months ago. This is not a 'minor' bug and I think it should have been solved by now. I will be getting a few panels for updates to legacy AMX projects and still have to use cludges to work around this. After 5 months.
Meanwhile my employer wants to 'solve' the matter (and other AMX annoyances) by not using AMX in new projects anymore, at least until Samsung makes perfectly clear what will happen to AMX. I'm already testing with products from 'the dark side....'
Not happy about it
I am told there is a hotfix v1.8.16 available from support that resolves this issue. However, due to the firmware file size, there is currently a NetLinx Studio file transfer size limitation that will (currently) require this transfer to be made via USB to the device until an update to Studio can be released. Contact support for access to the hot fix repository if you do not currently have access.
Thanks Chris, I got the v1.8.16 firmware, but have not been able to test it yet, will update when I get a change.
Surprisingly, the file is dated: 19/12/2018. I can't imagine firmware from 9 months old is still a 'hotfix', it probably would have cooled down by now... Probably a fluke
Loaded yesterday onto an 1002 - device offline/online is back after just a new file load.
Old thread but for completeness:
I updated several MD/MT-1002 panels with the 1.8.16 firmware and I can also confirm that the online/offline event is working again if you just update the panel. Haven't seen anything else odd with this release either.