NCommand Response to monitor
I am working on a large project of a courthouse that has SVSi technology for video switchings along with Crestron control system.
I created a control module using SIMPL# (C#) and has been running some stresstesting to ensure its stability and all looks good.
Where I'm stuck is with parsing the monitor response coming back from the NCommand which I'm mostly going to use for moniroring the online status of each end-point.
What I couldn't find in the API documentation is the structure of the values being pushed to the status change event.
For example I receive:;0;1;1;1;Live Play;1;22;0;1;0;auto;1280x720\x0D
But what each value is representing? Except the obvious ones (IP, etc)
Is there any doc that goes deeper into the details of the response structure of the NCommand?
Best Answer
HARMAN_icraigie Posts: 660
Hmm - I was going to throw out an RTFM in response but seems like the Status Packet info is not in the current published REV F API guide on the website....
From REV E
Status Packet Fields: [status]IP address; Communication; dvioff;scaler;source state; mode; audio state; stream#; stream#; playlist; colorspace;hdmiaudio;resolution;[/status]
Status Packet Fields:[status]IP address; communication;dvioff;scaler;display state;mode;audio state;video
Status Packet Fields: [status]IPAddress,Communications,TxStream, RxStream, TX Disabled, RXMute, LineoutVol_l,LineoutVol_R,HeadphoneVol_L,HeadphoneVol_R,relay1State,relay2State,
PhantomPower, inputLvlLeft,inputLvlRight, againl,againr[/status]
Windowing Processor
Status Packet Fields:[status]IP address; EncodeStream#;Output Resolution;Input Audio Stream;Audio State;Win 1 V Source;Win 2 V Source;Win 3 V Source;Win 4 V Source;communication;[/status]5
Thanks for the information. I always rtfm first
Request to get a manual with ALL the information has been submitted and escalated through Tech Support
The manual is in the process of being posted to the website with the updated monitor packet information for the SVSI product lines.