Need help :- Factory reset for IS SPX 1300
I have IS SPX 1300 and trying to do a factory reset,but it didn't go through. I have tried several times but no luck. I can't reach it because of bad IP Address and I want to change that.
When I reset it according to steps given in manual it shows a message on screen "Recovery in progress" and after some time old same video starts playing on screen.
Any suggestions please
I'd give AMX Tech Support a call on this one. Also, if you have no idea what IP address it is on, you might try scanning the IP range you think it might be with something like Angry IP (an IP scanning utility that I use all the time for such things.)
You can press & release the button on the front of the XPress player and it will show info on-screen which includes IP address, serial number, etc.
Not while it's in Recovery Model though... that will require a call to Tech Support to fix.