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Sending DTMFs with Extron's DMP128 Plus

RaffaeleLRaffaeleL Posts: 1
edited August 2019 in AMX Technical Discussion

Hello everyone!
I have an issue with the DSP Extron DMP128 Plus. I'm programming the software so that the DSP must send DTMF tones while in a connected call instead of storing the string for dialing.
The code I'm using is the following:

         IF (LINE_STATUS_DETAILS_1[LineSelected][AppearanceSelected] == 'Active')
                SEND_COMMAND   vdvMain,"'PASSMESSAGE=',ESC_TXT,'DD',ITOA(LineSelected),',',ITOA(AppearanceSelected),',',

I found the Dial Digit string on the DSP's user manual.
Now, the issue is: whenever I'm a VoIP call with a virtual room (such as a CUCM system), when I'm prompted to send the access code followed by the hash, it keeps answering that I've sent no codes on the line (as if it wasn't receivengs any DTMF codes). Could it be I'm using the wrong command string? Has anyone ever experienced this and, if so, how did you make it work?

Ty for your replies!


  • richardhermanrichardherman Posts: 404
    edited August 2019

    The 'dial digit string' could be legit, but it's hard to tell. For one thing the contants and variables you use are unknown. There is no carriage return ($0D) at the end of the string, but it could be that it's added later.
    I would probably use someting like Extron's Dataviewer utility (or NS 'control a device' when it's RS232 connected) and send the actual string, without the program getting in the way.
    What is the device sending back to you? If you monitor the response you should be able to tell what's going on. Use 'notification' for that, or write some code in the DATA_EVENT for the device, to send the response to device 0 (SEND_STRING 0) or, again, use DataViewer.

  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177

    There was a time 'back in the day' when most Extron gear was about as simple to control as anything out there. However, with the advent of their control system coupled with the proliferation of their many many part numbers nowadays, I[ve ran into many buggy things like tis. I would recommend you call Extron's technical support and see if there may be a bug or an undocumented work around. Their Tech Support is pretty good and you usually get hold of human being pretty fast.

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