What is the DUET equivalent to the TKN?

For projects that don?t do DUET, all you load in the master is the TKN file. So if you don?t have remote access to a job you just send the compiled TKN file to someone that has a connection to the master. You don?t have to send the project or any source code.
For projects that do do DUET, there are a minimum of 5 files that get loaded into the master (?projectname?.mf, at least one DUET module jar, devicesdkrt.jar, PROG.tkn, and snapirouter.jar) which all reside in a temp directory.
If I don?t have remote access to a job what do I send to someone that does have a connection and how do they load it? Do I send all the files in the DuetTemp directory? The .mf file is the first file that gets loaded but that?s not one of the options when you get to the file transfer dialog box.
For projects that do do DUET, there are a minimum of 5 files that get loaded into the master (?projectname?.mf, at least one DUET module jar, devicesdkrt.jar, PROG.tkn, and snapirouter.jar) which all reside in a temp directory.
If I don?t have remote access to a job what do I send to someone that does have a connection and how do they load it? Do I send all the files in the DuetTemp directory? The .mf file is the first file that gets loaded but that?s not one of the options when you get to the file transfer dialog box.
Export the project and see what winds up in the export package.
For Duet platforms, a compiled TKN will contain all the .jar files and the actual prog.tkn needed to run your program. Just send the compiled TKN file from your PC to your remote sites for transfer. The file transfer utility within Studio or File Transfer 2 will send all the appropriate files that are contained within the compiled TKN file to the master
Hope this makes some sense.