duet module for many devices
Hi I have not found any information on this forum and I am not sure if it's possible I have cafe duet module for sony EVI-D100P, this cams allows control by daisy chain connection, so control of several cams always goes towards one port, but I have assigned one serial port for each of my NI-3000
I would like ask you how assign vdvport:4001:1:0 to dvport5001:1:1 and vdvport:4001:2:0 to dvport5001:2:1
I apreciate any suggestion about how proceed
Just use multiple modules. As each module is concerned there is only one camera connected. So only use port 1 from each virtual device.
It's probably not a very efficient use of resources doing it this way, though.
I guess you are not actually using the EVI-D100 camera, but probably some newer Sony VISCA cam? Of course I don't know anything about your setup, but what I usually do is connect the cameras with RS422, using a shielded network cable. From each camera this cable goes to the main equipment rack and I daisy chain the camera's at this central location.
The FTP cable to each camera holds 4 wires for the 'input' connection (TX+, TX-, RX+, RX-), the same 4 connections for the 'output' and the shield as gnd.
The input to the first camera goes to the NetLinx controller, the 4 return wires from camera 1 get patched to the 4 input wires from camera 2, etc. I use a connection box kinda like this:
EDIT: typo
Hi RichardHerman Thanks a lot!!, you guided me to the right solution, I had to add differents channel ports[301]tilt-up[132...] in dvTp for second camera[302]tilt-up[232...] in order to keep using cameracomponents (Module) for both devices.
For sure they are EVID100 cameras connected by rs232 star infraestructure (is an old installation of 2005 in an auditorium venue) that we have improved with hdmi links but cctv cameras are still good for customer.
Thanks by suggestion of V110 crimp ports, I have used a lot in telephony works and for sure they are good option for rs232 comunications.
By the way let me ask a beginner question on my NI3000 I only have gotsucess with r232 communications addressing ports with dvcam1 =05001:2:1 but I see in all examples everybody uses 05001:2:0 and as I have seen only I can define NI-3000 with ID=1 "0" is not supported, so may be i am wrong in something?
The address scheme is
So the last number is the system ID. You typically put whatever you set your master's system ID in the code to refer to devices associated with that master. (System ID 1 is the default ID every AMX master is set to out of the box)
There are cases where you may not necessarily care what the system ID is and in fact you might write code for multi-master systems that you do not want to specify which system ID the code resides on. An example of this might be some basic UI Navigation that is the same on all masters regardless of the system ID.
When you declare a device in Netlinx with a zero as the system ID you are basically saying:
You can kind of think of the zero system ID as being filled in with whatever the master is set to by the compiler.
For most single-master systems zero is kind of the standard system ID. There is nothing at all wrong with putting the actual system ID, however.
Thanks a lot Eric, let me ask everyone another question after trying control 2 EVID100 cameras i have found that was controlled by IR(the cabling can't be modified so is mandatory), now the issue is translate commands from TP buttons to IR port for example 5001:9:0 , I have downloaded the IR commands from Harman web (SONY0461.IRL), as I understand I have to mach TP code( for example channel 128) to IR channel (128) but based in button events so I understand is not Cafe duet used anymore? is not possible translate to IR from cafe duet?
The standard IR order is the same as the SNAPI channel order - pulse channel 9 on the IR device or Duet virtual device to toggle power.
Hi Ian
but using duet module and mapping IR file(SONY0461.IRL) to (device 5001:9:1)
and setting dvcam1=05001:9:1 to change commands to IR port I get in notifications
Line 10 2019-10-19 (19:44:46):: Input Status:Pushed [6001:17:1] - Channel 255
Line 11 2019-10-19 (19:44:46):: Feedback:On [41001:1:1] - Channel 9
Line 12 2019-10-19 (19:44:46):: Output Channel:On - From [41001:1:1] - Channel 9
Line 13 2019-10-19 (19:44:46):: Input Status:Released [6001:17:1] - Channel 255
Line 14 2019-10-19 (19:44:46):: String To [5001:9:1]-[$81$01$04$00$02$FF]
So port IR 9(of NI-3000) receive a string instead of a channel command, so I think duet module is not possible to use when control is by IR command
I think I have to use (as I have seen in this forum )a program with mapping events and push commands
button_event[dvTP,9]{push:{ to[dvIR,9]}} that match TP buttons with SONY0461.IRL commands
after this idea that seems clear, the issue is that I dindn't get it working yet , testing with oscilloscope and IR receiver that IR signal is transmited but camera sony evi-d100 doesn't move, any suggestion?
Duet modules are typically implemented for serial or IP controlled devices.
Channels and commands are manipulated on the virtual device for control and feedback:
An IR file is loaded directly to the IR device (5001:11:0) and the channels of the physical device are used for control: