AS16 Levels feedback
in AMX Hardware
I have a project that has 13 Modero panels controlling a AS16. Everything works good, the only problem I am having is when a TP goes offline or is rebooted it loses the levels feedback. Any ideas on how I can query the levels of the AS16 and update them when the panel comes online again? Another way I am considering is when I press a button to go to the AS16 overview control page showing all 16 zone bargraphs it resends the levels. Any ideas?
in your mainline/feedback routines? I.E., the only time levels are normally sent to the panels are in response to button pushes that cause the levels to change?
- Chip
Thanks for the prompt replying to my thread. I did create 16 levels in DEFINE_START and tied them up with 16 variables as suggested by DHawthorne, and I am also using Chips send comand format. Now, if I have 13 Modero panels to update, is it OK to create a TP array and have the SEND_LEVEL command in mainline (DEFINE_PROGRAM) or is ti better to send the levels only when I go to that page per panel?
This is what I've done:
Or is it better to do the feedback like this:
As much as a FOR loop will neaten up code, your feedback statements will actually run slightly faster if you put in 17 individual lines - one for each level.
In theory, the Netlinx OS knows to only send an update out to a panel when the value actually changes - otherwise you'd be clogging up the network with level data every pass through your feedback code.
The main reason why I was asking was that if a panel went offline and came back on, I suppose there is a possibility that the OS may not re-send all the current levels. If you find that to be the case, you can get around that by adding a series of "SEND_LEVEL TP,<level channel>,0" to the panel's online event. All the levels will be cleared, then re-set to actual values the next time the feedback code is executed.
To get extra fancy, you could try to save a little more overhead by putting those feedback statements in something like an IF block that only evaluates to true when the page with the bargraphs on it is displayed.
- Chip
Thanks for your suggestions. How do I do page tracking in a Modero panel? Can you kindly provide an example of the IF statement to evaluate when the page is up or do I need a var flag to evaluate? I just want to make sure that the IF statement is an option in case I run into problems when all 13 Modero panels are online and processing overhead becomes an issue.
If you track the current page with a variable called TPxPage, your IF statement might look something like this:
Obviously, you can handle how feedback is done for multiple panels in a number of ways - hopefully you'll get a few ideas from this.
- Chip