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Need to push button twice to send IR


I need to control cheap Hisense TV’s with IR.

I’ve captured IR from remote with IRIS like always.

Some commands work the first time I hit the button command on TP (like Power On and Off).

The majority of commands don’t work first hit and I need to hit the button again.

I’ve tried different strategies like send two time the command, change pulse time, send same command on release button but nothing is working.

I’ve also tried to capture codes with IRIS with different settings without success

Any idea here?




  • No idea about HiSense, but try sending a 'dummy' command after every valid one. I had this once with a cable box, where it would only accept the next command after I send a random one. Think I used 'DVR stop' or something that didn't really work with that cablebox, but it did the trick. YMMV.

  • Yes I’ve tried to send a dummy command without success

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    This is a bounce management scheme, with toggle bit codes - the remote sends alternating codes for each command, this prevents double response to a single command. This scheme is a nasty way to manage IR logic that can't figure out how not to repeat if the IR is ON too long.

    Fortunately rare, it is painful for automation. When you capture a code, you only have one of two... when you send that one a second time, the unit ignores it, as it is waiting for the alternate code as proof of a real command. Some IR receivers will reset with any different command, others require the specific alternate each time. With a real remote, the worst that happens is you have to press the button a second time. With automation, you usually don't have a choice - you send the ONE you have. Ugly solutions like rigging macros for every command to send both codes can work. If you find a dummy command that clears the toggle, it's possible to learn two IR bursts into one IRL entry with two remotes. Tedious and lots of trial and error.

    Depending on the device, there may be a non-toggle code set you can get from the manufacturer or from a repository like the Global Cache Control Tower - https://irdb.globalcache.com/

  • @John Nagy said:
    it's possible to learn two IR bursts into one IRL entry with two remotes. Tedious and lots of trial and error.

    Is it possible with IRIS device? If yes, how?

    Thanks for your reply

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    edited December 2019

    Yes, I've done it but you need to test the results and may have to redo some.
    Just ("just", he says!) while capturing the code, start by triggering the key you want, release, and immediately press the "dummy" button on the same or second remote. The Iris will see it as a long single code. Sometimes.

    You really need to consider how cheap the device is compared to how much work it will take to get a semi-stable result and perhaps adjust your purchasing.

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    By the way the Global Cache site mentioned has 5 code sets for HISENSE. Try them. They should be non-toggle.

  • Ad_My_XperienceAd_My_Xperience Posts: 73
    edited December 2019

    Hi John,

    Again, thanks for info.

    I've used Code Group 1 from Global Caché web site and I've copied the hexa code and it's now working!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I was not familiar with this site. It will be a reference now for me.

    I don't know how to say thank you!


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Just help the next person in line, it's the best thanks there is.

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