Biamp Tesira - Control Level State error
I'm having trouble controlling the level and state block.
For the others block don't have problems....
Can someone help me? I don't have error in the program, but don't execute the command.
I'm having trouble controlling the level and state block.
For the others block don't have problems....
Can someone help me? I don't have error in the program, but don't execute the command.
I would suggest reaching out to tech support for further diagnostics, we can assist you through a remote session.
The above suggestion is always a good idea.
I find that when I have trouble getting a block to work when I have an error in the declaration statements in the online event of the vDevice. (AUDIOPROCADD) It's usually a tiny spelling error or misplaced ID that throws the module off. Sometimes the error isn't even in the specific command in question. I've found that If there is somewhere in the stack of AUDIOPROCADDs (even on one of the other blocks) it can throw everything off.
I would strongly suggest turning on debug in the module and look at the serial strings coming back from the Tesira. I'm willing to bet you'll find that one of the subscribe commands has a typo or incorrectly assigned parameter IDs. During the subscribe routine the Tesira will thow an error that can lead you to the cause.