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Sauna Controls

Does anybody has a good solution for sauna controls with Netlinx? I am looking for a TEMP display, On and Off buttons and if possibly a heating set point up and down buttons. In the past, I used to program the ON and Off buttons out of a relay output. However, as clients get more demanding, they also want to know the Temperature and raise or lower the heating setpoint. Any ideas?


ACE Expert


  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    Only two companies come to mind. Aprilaire (Viewstat) and Jandy. I know that Jandy makes Pool and SPA controllers that interface well with Netlinx, not sure if they make anything for Saunas tho. The other idea would be an Aprilaire Thermostat with a Remote temperature sensor and the Humidity sensor. I don't know off hand if you can use both the humidity sensor and the remote temperature sensor on the same thermostat, but I think it may be possible. You could the utilize the contact closures generated by the thermostat to control the sauna and report the temp and humidity to your clients. You should call Aprilaire and verify that both remote sensors could handle being in the sauna tho.

  • You can plug in a remote temp sensor and remote humidity sensor at the same time on the Aprilaire 8870 thermostats. As a matter of fact you can plug in several at one time and average them. However, saunas operate near 200 degrees Fahrenheit... I've personally never tried to set an Aprilaire over 80 degrees fahrenheit, but I'm pretty sure they don't go all the way up to 200 on the heat side :).

    How about something like this SAUNA CONTROLLER? It's IR capable. Maybe learn the codes with an IRIS and interface with Netlinx that way. No feedback regarding temperature, but if they're in the sauna they should be able to read and control it there with the supplied Sauna-proof remote that comes with it. I would imagine you'd only want to adjust set points and start the unit via an AMX touchpanel if you're going to warm it up so that it's ready when you get in. Once they're inside, they would use the Sauna controller or again, the supplied remote.

    By the way Ricardo, how did you guys fare with that plane crash at Palomar a few weeks back. I thought about you when I heard the news but you've posted on the forum since then so I figured you were O.K. :).

    -- John
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Aprilaire (Viewstat) won't go over 100 degrees. The Jandy controller definitely does saunas ... it's primarily a pool control, but it has the capacity built in because many high-end pools will have a sauna built in. There is an RS-232 interface which goes right on their keypad buss, it works well.
  • Dave, are you sure Jandy does sauna? I know it does spa/hot tub, but I don't recall running across anything for a sauna/steamroom on the Aqualink RS in the past.

  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Dave, are you sure Jandy does sauna? I know it does spa/hot tub, but I don't recall running across anything for a sauna/steamroom on the Aqualink RS in the past.

    You're right; everyone's saying sauna, and somehow I was hearing spa. I hate it when I do that ...
  • davegrovdavegrov Posts: 114
    Sauna and Jandy

    Jandy will not control a sauna directly. Depending on the type you might be able to use a Jandy Relay to turn pwoer on or off to the device. The relays can handle 220V and up to a 3HP motor. You have to watch the loads or you will burn up the relay. If you have Lutron some of their devices can also hadle up to 1000 watts.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Looks like AI is making up answers.

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