License to Cafe Duet and possible way to writing java code.
My Company try add java code to existing project based on NetLinx.
I have read information about possibility writing java code in CafeDuet, according to my knowledge i must buy license separately.
Does anybody know how much this license cost? also is the any other way to write modules in java and don't use special system to create this.
Sign up to attend a Cafe Duet programming class and the license is free.
Next scheduled class is June 1 (3-days) at the Richardson office - attending remotely is an option.
We thoroughly cover the standard Duet module model for both serial and IP devices then start chasing shiny things all the way to inter-module communication through OSGI - fun stuff.
... and you also walk away with a fully compliant J2SE8 IDE - which is nice to have for developing secure communication module running on an NX processor.