Obligatory COVID-19 post

I realize this forum is usually run pretty 'sterile' and more personal stuff is usually frowned upon.
But, I thought I'd post this to see how things go with everyone in the AV world. The chatter I'm seeing and hearing is pretty grim. Regardless of your political/economic/social bent - I'd hope we can all agree that this is going to have a huge impact in our industry.
Our company her in the Carolinas has totally shut down as all our projects have come to a stand-still. It has had a devastating effect. I've received multiple emails/calls from colleagues looking for work as they've lost their jobs. It's pretty brutal out this way.
I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy. I hope your businesses weather the storm.
be well everyone!
Indeed, the virus's ability to spread is too strong, and this year has been a difficult one.
My credit card hasn't been paid yet.
Hope everyone can spend it safely.