BSS Audio Duet Module - feedback after recalling a preset
Hello to everyone!
I use BSS Audio Duet Module ( It works really nice, except for one thing. In a few projects I recall parameter presets, using "fnRecallParameterPreset" command. While recalling the presets using this command works perfectly, I couldn't find the way how to subscribe to it, to be able to receive feedback from audio processor, that the particular preset had been recalled. Subscribing to commands requires object ID, which preset functionality in Audio Architect doesn't have.
Does anyone have a solution for it?
Best regards,
Michal Moraszczyk
Think you answered your question. You would need to subscribe to all the parameters that are effected by preset to track physical status. Tracking the last preset selected needs to be done logically in the control system. If you haven't already I would suggest asking the question over in the BSS forum (drop down at the top, select BSS)
Hello, Ian,
Thank you for your response. I was hope that there is some way to receive feedback from the BSS Audio processor that the preset had been recalled and somebody made it.
I will ask the question in the BSS forum, as you suggest.
Best regards,
Michal Moraszczyk
Maybe subscribe to a "ghost" parameter on an object that is set from the preset(s). Could be a parameter of no significant importance on an existing object or an object that is dragged across for that specific requirement with no DSP implications.
Hello, Ian,
It is a good idea. I'll consider it in case dummy feedback from the controller is not sufficient. Thank you.