Any way to set Master IP/URL by controller on a G5 Panel

Hi there
Im Trying to set the Master IP/URL on a MT-1002 G5 Panel in the Software..
So the customer can use it as spare panel and use it in a different room on a different controller.
As there is no Telneting into the panel like there was in G4 im hopping for another solution.
Anyone succesfull with something similar ?
SSH with the netlinx:[options] CLI
Haven't tried it myself but in theory should be possible with the SSH_CLIENT_OPEN() function
Thank you, im looking into this.
Do you have any SSH experience with a NI-700 Controller ?
Should this work ?
Im getting a Library Call Error when i try to "SSH_CLIENT_OPEN" and couldnt find much documentation on the SSH Open Command.
Secure communications (SSH, TLS) are only available on an NX processor
Implementing SSH_CLIENT_OPEN() is very much dependent on how the server is setup, specifically the parameters that are passed in.
There is a video series on the training site that covers everything related programming secure communications in NetLinx -
Search for "secure" if there are issues with the link - it will be the AMX NX Series | Understanding Security option.