error msg " cannot open a compiled type within this application "
I have Netlinx Studio 4.4.1626 , and I have file with all source and module
but my module not open and show this error msg " cannot open a compiled type within this application "
what is solution please
Only source code (.axs) can be viewed in NetLinx Studio. That error is expected when trying to open .tkn or tko files.
Thank you
and which program I need to open .tkn or tko files ??
You cannot open these files, only upload them to the controller (to run the program as-is). If you need to edit the sourcecode you need the .axs files as explained earlier. The .tkn and .tko are the result when you compile the .axs file.
So when you only have .tkn/.tko files you do NOT have the sourcecode.
BTW, it's not unusual to have the source code for the main program, but not for device drivers (modules). All AMX supplied drivers, for instance, are only offered compiled, not as source code.