AVM noise and heat
in AMX Hardware
As AVMs are found most of the times in bedrooms or yacht cabins they are either stored in a closet, where their extreme HEAT can be a serious problem, or somewhere in the open, where their NOISE is really distrirbing.
Both of these problems could be solved with a better case with a better cooling system, maybe a fanless one.
Has anyone experimented with that, or any other sort of alternative to these problems?
Both of these problems could be solved with a better case with a better cooling system, maybe a fanless one.
Has anyone experimented with that, or any other sort of alternative to these problems?
As far as having replaced them, replaced them with what? Are you talking about defective units that needed to be exchanged, or replacing them with a different product entirely?
I'm going through the Kaleida*****/AMX Max system comparisons for a client right now. I just want to make sure I'm not going to get into a situation that's going to be a headache for everyone involved. We'll be putting in our first Max system with this project and again, if I need to recommend a different product, it would be good to know that up front.
First of all, AVM is a very good choice as heating system in your home, as when it's on, it's hot as hell (it has only a very little ventilator on one processor inside, all heating evacuation is done by natural convection !!).
I have seen some MAX on three different sites, and on all of them dealers had to replace in first year of use 3/4 of AVM as they had issues or died.
Some of them delivers sometimes black/white signal without colors but you don't know why (whatever you do in BIOS of the AVM or with switch on motherboards), you can't get colors.
Quality of video is poor average as you get only composite and s/video output on AVM, none high definition signal such as DVI, or RGBHV, or HDMI.
Concerning replacement, you have no choice as you are obliged to use AVM delivered by AMX for use with AVM. Only choice is to choose an other system than Max such as Kaleidescape or Escient..
Hope it helps you
The result being that it's very hot and noisy, especially for bedrooms. It also has a very bright light but you could easily mask that with a tape.
Today there are several fanless solutions for similar Via "boxes" and I was wondering if someone had experimented with the case. You can't build your own AVM because you have to register every AVM in Max with a special Amx serial number. I also want to add to Vincent that AVM does have an RGBHV out with descent quality, where the S-Video quality is unacceptable.
However, all these are things of the past because AVP, the AVM successor is due next month. This player is ages ahead. It has HDMI output (1080p if I remember well) a DVD player so you can play or record movies, a remote and OSD library so you can use Max independent from a control system and a very nice look that can easily sit in a bedroom.
I 'm not experienced with Kaleidescope and Max is not easy to setup but once you manage to configure it, it really is a robust and reliable platform.