HarmanPro BSS Gateway Module virtual ports
Hello All,
I was working on implementing this module and it works so far but I noticed that it's opening virtual ports up to 0:33:0 on the master. I did go back and check my working file before adding in this module and the virtual ports stop at 0:4:0, which is expected. I looked around in the code to see if there was something that popped out at me but I couldn't find anything. Any suggestions on what might be causing this?
The ports are configured dynamically - define_device has no relevance as to how many ports are instanced on that module.
Some where in the code a DSP component is being registered at port 33
Thanks Ian! I'll look around in the module code again for where that would be referenced.
I've looked around and couldn't find anything. Could it possibly be coded somewhere in the module's .jar file? I haven't registered any DSP components in my code yet, so I feel like it might be in somewhere else.
Nothing obvious in the duet module code that instances 33 virtual device ports as a default - mind you I just did a cursory search for 33. Just loaded the PassThru example system here from the currently published module package (v1.0.13) and seeing only a single port for both virtual devices as expected.
I loaded the same file just to make sure it wasn't anything in my code. I see the two virtual devices like you posted but what I also see is under the NX-3200 Master. If you expand that one, I had 33 ports open.
If I can figure out how to post a picture, I will.
My bad, glossed over the 0 device number - and yup, I see the 32 ports here on the master device here too.
I'll dig around again in the module and see what's up with that.
Fix will be in the next release (1.0.14 or later).
Thanks Ian!