Certificate Path for SSH Private Key
Hi everybody
I need a ssh connection from the netlinx master to a server. I want to use a generated certificate for authentication. The RSA certificate has been generated with puttygen.exe.
I already tested the connection with putty and it works fine, however the problem is with Netlinx. I have sent the SSH Private Key to the Netlinx Master (through Certificate Manager). Now I want to open the ssh client with the command "SSH_CLIENT_OPEN". One parameter is the privateKeyPathname(Path to private key). So my question is: How can I find out which path my private key has been sent to? In the example is "/certs/id_rsa" but this does not work.. I already tried "/certs/<nameofmyprivatekey".
Has anybody ideas?
The HELP documentation is misleading.
The path is known - all that is required is the file name (and password).
Hey thanks for the quick answer. I just tried it and unfortunately it still does not work since I get this message in Diagnostics:
Line 191 2020-09-02 (07:52:00):: No private key offered/not found for ssh authentication for aleks
Line 192 2020-09-02 (07:52:00):: Unsupported authentication mechanism
Line 193 2020-09-02 (07:52:00):: SSH failed to open a session
I guess the file name has to be with a slash at the start and with filename extension? It looks like this:
SSH_CLIENT_OPEN(dvIP.PORT,cIP,nPort,cUser,'','/Test_Key.ppk',''). I tried without slash and without filename extension as well..
Edit: Here are some more information from the certificate manager:
Certificate File: Test_Key.ppk
Type: NetLinx/SSH Private Key
Class: User/Private
If the .ppk file has just been saved from the PuttyGen app then that is a Putty only file format and is incompatible with anything else. The key must be exported as an OpenSSH key from the PuttyGen Conversions dialog - suggest not saving at as a ppk file type.
The '/' is not used for the file parameter.
There's a video that walks you through the whole process
Hi Ian
Thanks a lot for the help, it works fine!