Weird highlighting in studio...
- Wonder if anyone can help with this...driving me crazy!
- In studio, suddenly there's certain things highlighted in white that I've never seen happen before. (Have a black background).
- Every single comma is highlighted.
- Commented lines that are (** **) are fine. Commented lines that are //blah blah have a white highlight in the space at the end.
- [ ] are highlighted.
- are highlighted.
Operators are fine.
Any ideas would be great!
Thank you.
OK. That posted weird. Must be the markdown...
Colon's are highlighted.
Apostrophes are highlighted.
Sorry for that.
Netlinx Studio 4 I assume. Have you checked 'settings' > 'preferences' > 'editor - highlighting and fonts' and 'general' ? maybe something odd there. There is a button for default settings.
Netlinx studio 4.
I'll take a look. I'm thinking I might have hit a shortcut of some sorts since I use CTRL + whatever all the time.
Thanks for the thought. Much appreciated.