TP5 - streaming video issue
Hi guys
I have an issue with streaming video via a G5 touchpanel (MD-1002). I want to show a camera picture, it works fine with a bitmap. But if I select video fill -> streaming video and put the exact same URL it does not show anything. With a G4 touchpanel (MST-1001) it works fine..
Has someone any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Can you give us some more details on the video format? MJPEG, h.264, and if so what profile, etc.? What's the URL you're entering?
Hi Rob
URL: http://user:password@
URL: http://user:password@
I tried different Cameras/URLs, on G4 they work with both verions, on G5 only with bitmap.
What's the res & and frame rate?
If you're confident on the address and their arguments, then a quick call to Tech Support may help. They may be able to help you troubleshoot the URL, add arguments to it, or confirm the technical differences you're seeing btwn G4 & G5.
Hi Rob
I tried it with rtsp, and now it works. I think i will use it this way.
Resolution 800x450 and 640x360, framerate 25
Good to hear. I did see a few different URL options based on different model cameras, so happy that you found the one that works.
Hi Rob
Maybe I still need to call the tech support, yesterday I tried a rtsp url with an axis camera, it works fine, today I tried it with a vivotek camera, http and rtsp, both not working (unfortunately we need it for a vivotek cam..)
url Axis: rtsp://user:password@
url vivotek: rtsp://user:password@
I really don't get it, how the G5 panel can't show the camera picture, if I try it with VLC it works..
What model of Vivotek? I did a search but am seeing too many different protocols based on their different models. And same question for the Axis cam... what res & frame rate?
res and frame rate 640x360, 20fps
Make sure the port number isn't needed in the RTSP URL. See attached page 26. if you've accounted for all these arguments & variables, then as you said you may need to call in and see if Tech Support can help.