simple question

Hello all. I hope everyone is staying healthy and able to keep doing some work!
We have a much higher end programmer involved but he is out of town right now and I want to confirm as much as possbile before he get invovled directly. A quick simple question...
What is the best way to send and display a text string to a touch panel?
We have a series of MD-702 panels and a never seen before RF tuner that we need to control with RS232. I'm having an issue confirming that the correct RS232 is going out the AMX serial port by showing it on the main TP in the project.
Thanks for any input!
Why don't you turn on 'notifications' for the RS232port that is connected to the RF tuner?
That way you can see the strings going to /coming from the device without any programming.
Yes, this is the best solution to the problem.