AMX Site Modules?

Is the "In Concert" portion of the Harman/AMX Site no longer working? I used to go to "Support/Downloads/Search Device Modules" to look up the old AMX software modules and IR files, but now this links seems not to work for me. Is it me? Or is that being removed too?
Ugh!! This is the link.
What next? We no longer have any access to anything?
Doesn't work for me also. Could just be a technical error, or how site maintainers like to call that 'unscheduled maintenance'.
As of right now, that page seems to work.
Works again. Very slow, but it works.
We did experience an outage yesterday for most of the US work day due to a cypher key update applied to the server. IT was able to resolve but it took a bit to connect the dots and identify the root of the problem.
All seemed resolved yesterday. Thanks for the update.