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TPD4 not running after reinstall Win 10


It's not the first time I install AMX softwares with Win 10 but the first time I have this issue.

After reinstall all AMX softwares, I have an issue with TPDesign4

When I try to open my existing .TP4 files, I have a message : The encountered panel type is not supported by this version of the software. Please ensure that you are utilizing the latest available version or TPDesign4

When I try to install G4 Support Files I have this error : There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.

I've tried with Win XP, 7 8 and Vista compatibility...



  • It's the same problem.

    Who solved it? Anyone???

  • you may try to set the installer files to Administrator mode before starting installation...

  • @Marc Scheibein said:
    you may try to set the installer files to Administrator mode before starting installation...

    As you advised, I deleted all related programs and reinstalled them with administrative rights.

    The symptoms are the same. Symptoms occur when I open a specific file.

    A panel with FHD resolution among the files you've worked on in the past causes the problem.

    I don't know because I haven't worked on a resolution file that exceeds FHD.

    If I press the new button and start the new job with FHD resolution, this file will not have a problem when it opens.

    can you advise another option?

  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    Too late for this one, but in the future, keep several backup versions as you go. Our system uses very large files with hundreds of resources and pages, and TPD can be a house of cards. It was rare but not rare enough to find that edits would cause a crash, and thereafter that file would be unstable, or exhibit scrambled text or images. At that point, no amount of validation, resaves, removal of discovered scrambled pages or fonts would make that file usable again. Even exporting pages for updating older saves was unsafe. Create a place to fall before you climb too high.

  • @John Nagy said:
    Too late for this one, but in the future, keep several backup versions as you go. Our system uses very large files with hundreds of resources and pages, and TPD can be a house of cards. It was rare but not rare enough to find that edits would cause a crash, and thereafter that file would be unstable, or exhibit scrambled text or images. At that point, no amount of validation, resaves, removal of discovered scrambled pages or fonts would make that file usable again. Even exporting pages for updating older saves was unsafe. Create a place to fall before you climb too high.

    Thank you for your opinion.

    There may be a problem with the file itself, but other systems can open it normally, so I'm not sure it's a file problem.

    I don't understand what part of the new system is causing this error.

    Is there a separate program/DLL file required?> @John Nagy said:

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