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NX-3200 diagnostic messages - meaning

Hi everybody.

I got hands on a NX-3200 master. For a quick start I uploaded a program from a NI-3100 master with some duet modules. From the diagnostic window I cant see the program loading as I would expect. After a while I just get to following messages in a loop:

CSPIProcess::readStatus() - sending micro 0 status check
TaskSPIRx: timeout on readStatus, errno = 42, timeout count = 5, micro # = 0, proc-count = 2
Integrated Device microcontrollers are not responding.

What does that mean? Maybe I should start with a simple "Hello World" program...

kind regards,


  • Options

    Harry, I do not know about this message. Considering the uncertainty of software or hardware, my suggestion would be to call into tech support. They can remote into your computer to see your code and ensure you are properly invoking the module. They can also help determine if you have a hardware issue.

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