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Is Design XPress Obsolete???

Since Design XPress creates code automatically utilizing AS16s and Amp8s for the audio part of the project and both are discountinued now, what is the alternative? I have never used Design Xpress for any of my projects, but I have used it to get ideas on how to implement things that I may not figure out easily. Is Visual Architect the replacement?

I have a lot of Landmark experience and have been programming under Netlinx Studio for the past 2 1/2 years. I now can see the power behind custom coding (Arrays, Structures, modules, etc) as I program more sophisticated projects under Netlinx with multiple masters. However, I do miss a little the quick drag and drop to get things done. I hope Netlinx Studio will evolve to become a platform that offers both Worlds: Drag and Drop and custom coding - like Dreamweaver for those that do web publishing or Visual C++.



  • vincenvincen Posts: 526
    I think Visual Architect will be a sort of DesignXpress or Landmark Designer as It'll be a graphical tool to program and develop your AMX systems, so we just have to wait to see it, but it has been delayed, expect probably something around march or april....

    Don't forget we need most of the time one year between first release of a new software and get something really usable ;)

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