Control of Kramer VS-1001XLM via NI-3100
Hi guys, I’m wondering if anyone can help with controlling this switcher, I cannot get it to respond to any command whatsoever, from looking at the manual, I was assuming it should just respond with a single byte protocol, $05 etc. But it’s not, when monitoring the output from the switcher with the NI-3100 diagnostics, it’s sending back what look like 4 byte commands - “‘A’, $82,$81,$81”etc , the second byte number moves up as you move up the buttons. For this I just have pins 5,2,3 connected, which works with other Kramer devices. I appreciate these haven’t been in use for a good few years, but if anyone can remember something I’ve missed I’d be really grateful, thanks again.
If you let us know what commands you are sending, it could help.
I reviewed our Kramer protocol and see:
$1, $81, 0, $82, $81 for input 1 to output 2.
$1, (input), 0 (zero), (output), $81
And the in and outs start at $81 and go up normally.
Hi John
Thanks for taking the time to reply, I think the issue is I'm not sure what the switcher is expecting to see as there isn't any examples in the user manual, it's a 10input 1output so I don't think it's expecting an output command, I've tried a few different commands, but what is set up currently is:
send_string dvAVSwitch2,"$05";
send_string dvAVSwitch2,"$01";
From the user manual:
N7 is used for communication between the Slave and the Master only and is always 0 for communication with
the PC.
N6N5N4 is the binary value of the Machine we are addressing minus one, e.g., if we wish to address the Master
(Machine 1 by definition), then N6N5N4 = 000, if we wish to address Machine 6, then N6N5N4 = 101.
N3N2N1N0 is the binary value of the input to be selected, i.e. N3N2N1N0 = 0111 is equivalent to pressing
switch 7 on the front panel.
So, 00000111 is the equivalent of pressing 7 on the front panel, but so far I haven't managed to get any commands to work.
Ok from your post earlier I tried added the 1 in place of the A and it's working! So the command is
send_string dvAVSwitch2,"$01,$84,$81,$81";
I have no idea how you get that from the manual, but glad it's now working, thanks again mate
Good for you!
I don't have the manual anymore, I just looked at the command files we use when VAUX is the device... and passed it your way. G'day!