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Is there a way to communicate using HTTP/2 from a Netlinx Master?
I need to monitor and control a device that has an API on the internet and it uses HTTP/2 protocol. HTTP/1.1 Is not supported.


  • In theory yes - big lift will be the binary framing layer transcoding required in HTTP/2. In practice - I'd skip NetLinx and try to leverage whatever I could with Java 1.8 and Duet.

  • nicolaunicolau Posts: 44

    Dear Ian, thank you for your message.
    Never did java and duet programming for AMX but a lot of Netlinx.
    What would be a good start? Is manual available? Certification needed to acess tools?
    I'd like to have a look and try this.

  • nicolaunicolau Posts: 44

    Maybe HTTP/2 needs to be added as a library or function on Netlinx code. I believe we will see more and more of this in the future.
    I have it now. I am thinking of creating an application hosted on a PC to interface between AMX and the API server and then being able to handle the HTTP/2 communication.

  • @nicolau said:
    Dear Ian, thank you for your message.
    Never did java and duet programming for AMX but a lot of Netlinx.
    What would be a good start? Is manual available? Certification needed to acess tools?
    I'd like to have a look and try this.


  • Is there anyway to do this without Duet? never done any and can't see the point now its effectively EOL.

    I have a project I need to access JSON data for from HTTP/2 web data. Couldn't work out why I couldn't get it to get the data from HTTP1.1 GET. When I looked at it in the debug window in firefox it shows a 'permanently moved' to a http/2 address.

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